SCIF tightens security with new measures

Posted: 2/7/2014

Referencing recent data thefts at Target and Neiman Marcus, the State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) has revised its internal security policies.

SCIF will be introducing several new security measures, including a new notice that users will have to acknowledge and agree to every time they log into their workstations.

There are also to key new additions to SCIF's Information Security policy:

  • Prohibiting the use of State Fund computer systems for transmission of private information for non-business purposes, including your own.
  • Each Workforce member's responsibility to protect operation information (such as pricing models and adjusting procedures) intended solely for internal use by State Fund's workforce.

Finally, SCIF has announced that it will be developing its infrastructure and business practices in compliance with the "Privacy by Design" model.

Concerned that SCIF's new security policies may have an impact on your career?
Contact ACSS Senior Labor Relations Representative Nellie D. Lynn at