Budget first look - Brown will honor 3% raises for supes

Posted: 1/10/2013

For now, at least, it appears that Gov. Brown will honor the previously negotiated 3% top-step raises for supervisors and managers starting July 1, 2013.

The Governor's proposed budget includes a section which states:

Significant Adjustment:
• Current Labor Contracts and Excluded Employees — An increase of $502.1 million
($247 million General Fund) in 2013-14 for previously negotiated top step
adjustments and health care benefit contribution increases for active employees.
For most employees, the adjustment offsets the ongoing higher contribution for
retirement costs previously implemented.

As always, your ACSS is committed to working with the administration to ensure that you are fairly compensated and your career remains protected.

We will continue to monitor the budget situation as it develops and report on our findings here.

Gov. Brown's full proposed budget is available as a PDF.