Political Program

ACSS maintains an active political program dedicated to improving your career and compensation. Just like rank and file employees, supervisors, managers, and confidential employees have a unified voice in the Capitol. The key to our success is that our political program is led by state employees just like you. We sit down face to face with elected officials and educate them on how their decisions affect us.  That’s why we’ve led the fight for your rights for decades.

ACSS is leading the fight for:

  • Better pay
  • Better pensions
  • Fewer hiring freezes
  • Fewer furloughs
  • And much more!

We have only one goal: protecting and supporting you, our members. 

  • We sponsor and support legislation to improve your pay, benefits, pension and working conditions.
  • We oppose legislation that would adversely impact you, your career and your family.
  • We work to elect employee-friendly policy-makers who understand and value the important job you do -- and we have a highly successful win rate.