Officer Position Descriptions

Board Member

  • Attend four Board Meetings per year (two virtual and two in-person) to discuss organizational improvements and represent the voice of Chapter members;
  • Vote on policy changes, legislative decisions, and budgetary items to improve the Association's operations;
  • Participate in legislative activities by meeting with legislators face-to-face to explain concerns on behalf of all excluded employees and urge change;
  • Participate in trainings, workshops and Chapter meetings to foster ongoing development and build relationships.

Chapter President

  • Manage the business and affairs of the chapter;
  • Supervise the activities of all other officers and agents of the chapter;
  • Preside over all meetings of the members;
  • Maintain relationships with ACSS and other chapters.

Vice President

  • Assume and discharge the responsibilities of the President while the President is unable to do so;
  • In the event of vacancy in the office of  Chapter President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of President until such vacancy has been filled.


  • Shall keep the minutes of all chapter meetings and action of the chapter and the membership;
  • Maintain copies of the chapter's membership records;
  • Retain copies of all correspondence, documents, and other records of the chapter;
  • Maintain a copy of the Chapter Bylaws, available at any time, by the voting members of the chapter. 


  • Attends ACSS Delegate Assembly as an elected representative of their respective chapter by speaking or voting on behalf of the entire chapter membership;
  • Elects the Board of Directors of ACSS at Delegate Assembly, adopts a 3-year budget and votes on other general business of ACSS;
  • Encouraged to be involved, attend chapter meetings and participate as part of the chapter. 
  • Click here to read more about the definitions and duties of a Delegate.