CalHR Releases Pay Letters Implementing July 1, 2023 Salary Increases

Posted: Dec 14, 2023
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On December 12 and 14, 2023, CalHR issued a series of Pay Letters implementing the 3% General Salary Increases and many Special Salary Adjustments (SSA) effective July 1, 2023 for covered supervisors and managers.

The State Controller’s Office processed the last of the pay letter updates on December 14, 2023, meaning that these salary increases will be reflected in the next pay warrant covering the December 2023 pay period.

The five-months of retroactive pay for excluded employees related to Bargaining Units 5, 7, 16 and 19 was also processed on December 14, 2023. Based upon each employee’s financial institution, it may take a couple of days for these retroactive pay amounts to post to accounts.

For excluded employees related to Bargaining Units 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20 and 21, the five-months of retroactive pay will issue beginning on December 19. Again, the retroactive pay amounts may take a day or two to post.

In addition to these increases, there are various other salary adjustments and differentials which will require the manual keying in by departments via Personnel Letters.

On an initial review by ACSS, the Pay Letters look generally positive for supervisors and managers. The increases reflect some of the ACSS proposals made to CalHR, including those seeking greater increases than related rank-and-file employees to make up for salary inequities or correct salary compaction. Unfortunately, it appears excluded employees in a small number of classifications will not receive expected SSAs. ACSS will review the details of the increases and work with impacted ACSS members to advocate for CalHR to correct or otherwise increase excluded employee salaries where needed.

ACSS will review the details of the increases and work with impacted ACSS members to advocate for CalHR to correct or otherwise increase excluded employee salaries where needed.

The Pay Letters are posted below. If you have questions or see a discrepancy in the salary for your classification, please reach out to your LRR or to


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