On March 20th, 2024, ACSS members met with legislators at the Capitol to discuss important issues affecting managers, supervisors, and confidential state employees. Lobby Day 2024 was a resounding success. Thanks to the dedicated members who attended, our presence at the Capitol was visible and our voices were clearly heard!
This year, we lobbied for the support of AB 1137 which ACSS sponsored with Assemblyman Reggie-Jones Sawyer (AD 57). AB 1137 extends additional compensation for premium holiday pay and ample notification of the denial of merit salary adjustments to excluded employees. ACSS also continued to lobby for the resolution of salary compaction. Lawmakers listened to our message and acknowledged our concerns.
ACSS thanks the attendees who helped make Lobby Day 2024 a huge success. Over the years, we have worked hard to make our presence known and we have successfully established ourselves as a well-recognized association that lawmakers pay attention to, thanks in part to the efforts of members who attend Lobby Day.
>> Click here to learn more about ACSS Lobby Day.
>> Click here to view photos of Lobby Day.