Find contact information for your local Labor Relations Representative
Helpful documents to learn more about your rights
Step-by-step guide to the Grievance Process
A guide to help you through the Probationary Period
Learn more about salary issues
A list of Senators, Assemblymembers, and Government Officials that ACSS Endorses
Support Candidates that protect the best interest of Excluded Employees
Periodic updates on Legislative Bills that ACSS monitors
ACSS meetings held at YOUR Department
Annual Event held in the State Capitol
Upcoming Board Meeting Information and forms
The Triennial event for ACSS Elections and Policy Changes
CalHR and the Department of Finance have authorized the Excluded Employee Leave Buy-Back Program for 2022-2023.
Applications and all supporting materials must be postmarked no later than April 3, 2023.
Let ACSS know if you have a new address, phone number or email address so that we can keep our member records up-to-date.
On January 10, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom released his proposed 2023-2024 State Budget that will fund state government for the 12-month period starting July 1, 2023.
CSEA Scholarship Foundation - Applications are Open for 2023! Every year, the CSEA Foundation provides education scholarships to members and their immediate dependent family members.
Warmest wishes to you and your family for a safe and Happy Holiday season.
Supervisory and managerial employees related to bargaining unit 18 (S18/M18) will see a refund from the state for a portion of their employee pension contributions paid this year, averaging approximately $500.
Voting centers are open now! Make sure to cast your vote in one of these ways: Mail your ballot, Drop off your ballot or Vote in-person.
ACSS met with CalHR and formally proposed a $250 per month pay differential for excluded employees performing Testing Administrator Duties.
Open Enrollment for health, dental and vision coverage starts September 19 and ends October 14. This is your opportunity to evaluate your health care selections and make any changes to your health, dental or vision plans and add or drop dependents effective January 1, 2023.
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