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ACSS met with the Department of Human Resources (CalHR) on August 11, 2022 to discuss pay and benefits for the state’s supervisory, managerial, confidential and exempt employees.
Open Enrollment for health, dental and vision benefits will take place September 19 – October 14, 2022. It is not too early to start reviewing Annual Health Plan Changes for details on health plans, service areas, and benefit design for 2023.
ACSS continues to meet with the Department of Human Resources (CalHR) to discuss pay and benefits for the state’s supervisory, managerial, confidential and exempt employees. Although many issues remain unresolved, CalHR has released the Excluded Employee Pay Plan for 2022-2023.
The California State Employees Association (CSEA) Foundation selected 11 recipients to each receive a $1,000 scholarship for college expenses. Four recipients were sponsored by ACSS Members. Congratulations to the following scholarship recipients:
Voting centers are open now! Make sure to cast your vote in one of these ways: Mail your ballot, Drop off your ballot or Vote in-person.
Governor Newsom released his May Revise of the state budget on May 13, 2022. The budget includes a projected record $97.5 billion surplus, including $49.2 billion in discretionary surplus. The Governor’s plan would spend 94 percent of this discretionary surplus on one-time projects. The historic $300.6 billion budget ($227.3 billion general fund) includes $37.1 billion in reserves, with $23.3 billion in the state’s rainy day fund.
Voting and Ballot Information By now, you should have already received your Voter Information Packet in the mail. Your county elections office will begin mailing ballots out on May 9th, 2022. Voting centers open on May 28th 2022. The last day to register to vote in the June 7th Primary Election is May 23rd, 2022. To register to vote, visit the Secretary of State’s Voter Registration page. Make sure to mail in your ballot or vote in-person at a voting center by June 7, 2022. Your vote matters!
CalHR and the Department of Finance have authorized the Excluded Employee Leave Buy-Back Program for 2021-2022. Employees designated Exempt, Supervisory, Managerial or Confidential may elect to be paid at their regular salary rate in exchange for up to 80 hours of unused leave (vacation or annual leave, voluntary personal leave, personal holiday or holiday credit). Excluded employees related to bargaining unit 2 (attorneys and administrative law judges) may cash out up to 160 hours of leave. ...
If you are an excluded employee tied to an SEIU Local 1000 bargaining unit and you are NOT enrolled in a state-sponsored CalPERS health plan, you need to enroll in the CoBen cash option by April 30, 2022*.
On March 1, 2022, the Department of Human Resources (CalHR) issued Pay Differential 453 – Telework Stipend Differential for all excluded employees and for employees in the six rank-and-file bargaining units with a telework stipend side letter agreement.
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